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An Opinion on Music


The Question: Was Ancient Greek music essential to Ancient Greek life?

Some people think music was essential to Ancient Greek life particularly because it was one of the main features of social gatherings. For example, most Ancient Greeks thought it was fundamental to religious festivals, marriage and funeral rites, and banquet gatherings. Modern scholars also think this because the 'arts' were extremely popular in Ancient Greek times. For example, they enjoyed dance, music, art, poetry and drama, all of which were highly developed.

However, other people contend that music was not essential to Ancient Greek life. They think this because, there were other issues and events in Greek society which were more important such as wars and battles. For example, the Peloponnesian War that lasted many years between the Athenians and the Spartans. They also think this because they argue religion was more central to Ancient Greek daily life and more important than music. For example, they had many gods that covered different aspects of life (e.g. god of dreams) and spent much of their time in religious tribute and festivals.

In conclusion, I think that Ancient Greek music was essential to Ancient Greek life not just in dance and drama but also as it was a vital feature of religious festivals.

Was Ancient Greek music essential to Ancient Greek life: What do you think?

  • Yes

  • No

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